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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

RANDOM: people of Cebu

     This idea for a post came in when i was searching for photos about street photography. I ended up reading 2 books about it which inspired me to shoot candidly the streets. 

    Well, the task is a bit hard with the change of lighting and other stuff. People find it weird taking pictures of them doing their stuff. I simply pass by and take the photo by surprise for less than a second, luckily, no one had came to me yet asking me to delete their photo, haha, i will be uploading series of street / mall photography soon . ENJOY these camera stories :)


Walking with cages


It looks so evil >:)

blurs weren't edited

forever alone :(

there was actually no photographer when she posed, she was like practicing

What a reaction from the audience,haha

poor japanese girl. forced in to all these

just a quick shot for myself :)


Friday, May 25, 2012

The Clouds of Summer

Can you imagine the world without clouds? I couldn't. As simple as they may seem, these shades of white had brought life to the environment that we live in. I know some people who only look at clouds to check on  the weather, but for me, the clouds are one of the natural pictures I find inspiration to do tons of things, they relax me with their subtle movements, and sometimes imagine a lot of things from the clouds (haha, i miss doing this one). These clouds inspired me to take some pictures and have them posted here for the same reason, why i created this blog :) 

Try it yourself, go look out the clouds and see what these clouds looked like from your imagination! Comment and share your answers :)

my sister playing tennis with a cloudy sun setting down

This one looks like a long dragon to me, haha

WAAAAAA, soon-to-be rain,haha
Shots taken in a lot beside our house and USC-TC.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Unseen - USC TC [ Philip van Engelen building ]

Starting off my first catalog in this site, I had to wake up very early and come to school around 7:00am to shoot.
I was a bit dismayed because of the kind of weather that covered the skies. When I got to the campus, specifically the Arts building, the clouds from the east had slowly moved uncovering the sun’s ray enough for me to get a really good shot on the building. I was lucky enough to get this kind of lighting that doesn’t usually show up – a mix of dark clouds and sunny rays.
The building in featured in this post is known as A.S. building, mainly because; it’s the building’s original name and all courses catered here are for the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) students. The college having 10 departments, only 3 departments in this building (Department of Languages and Literature, Department of Psychology, Department of Anthropology, Sociology and History), consisting only of 5 floors, classrooms are on the first to the third floor, DASH being the sole department on the fourth floor (used to have 5 departments) and the CAS Dean’s Office at the fifth floor.
Having its original name Arts and Sciences building, it was later change to Philip van Engelen building (PE), its construction dates back ….. idk, but I guess the building isn’t that old, though it has cosmetic problems with the wall paint due to weathering, it had gone some major and minor renovations, some of it were: the transfer of a biological museum and an IT department to give space to the departments residing in at present, a creation of a stage, bleachers, and a new AV room (one that could replace the old AV room which barely fits a whole class in it) and the conversion of some classrooms to speech labs.
The architecture and design is simple, but it’s something built to appreciate the kind of beauty USC-TC has to offer: the green trees, the hills, the open sky, the neighboring buildings and the city view. I dedicate this post to those who has eyes, but are too busy to see. 
Enjoy :D

Name is what the sign says.

I was very fortunate to take the building with these clouds.
Dept of Psychology
Side rear view of the building

bleachers at back with people working on a floor mural which i am going to take a picture of soon, it just finished

Where Psyc majors hang out waiting for classes

The building has a really unique structure, the ramp was made in a way that people can enjoy the nature the school has to offer even inside the building.

The science building (green roof) and the University Church (far back)

Building's lobby

It's curvature with the holes reminds me of the Colosseum, haha

The newly constructed AVR with the new stage above it

Going down

Just beautiful!

Going up

One of the simple things in life that makes me smile :)

front side view of the building

A very awesome perspective of the building

rear view fronting the stage

found a small puddle of water on the stage, so took out my camera and found art

Just below the front part of the building

Colosseum yeah!

one of the basic meansof transportation around the campus - USC Shuttle

Who knew this was interesting, I guess people really don't see much in simple things, my lens got wet doing this, so some of my pictures in this catalog has a blur / spec on the bottom right of the picture